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Building Project

Current front elevation

Exterior Front Elevation (002) small.jpeg

Our purpose is to ‘grow in Christ, grow in love and help grow the Kingdom’.

Our new building will:
  • Show our neighbours that we are active and outward looking

  • Welcome people into our space through a foyer area that is spacious and transparent

  • Improve our hospitality with disabled access kitchen and bathrooms

  • Improve our church facilities through dedicated accessible children's ministry, meeting rooms and office spaces

Building Project Committee Update

Peter Brown, Greg Creek, Paul Kennedy and Lucy Warren

Following the development of plans for a new church building by our architect Plot Architecture, the Anglican Diocese of Melbourne Property Committee (ADoM PC), at its July 2024 meeting, gave approval to proceed to to an open market tender process after we obtain planning approval from the City of Greater Geelong (CoGG). 

Funding for this project was instigated by the generous bequest of Gladys (Tiny) and Harry Coone. Further funds have been made available through the sacrificial giving of parishioners. We are grateful for the Infrastructure Planning grant from the CoGG which has assisted us meet the planning costs of our building project and the recent very substantial grant from the ADoM to bridge the gaps between the funds we are raising locally and the total cost of the project. Above all we give thanks to God for His amazing provision, ultimately He is the source of everything good..

We value your continuing prayerful support for the growth of God's Kingdom in the NW suburbs of Geelong (including the Fyansford growth area), of which our building project is a part.

From Archdeacon Jill McCoy:

‘I am aware of the sustained thought, prayer and hard work that has gone into developing this proposal. I commend the plan, and look forward to seeing how it will enrich your ministry as a parish. You have my full support’.

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